Wednesday, September 11, 2024

The Girl in a War continues then and an update 2024

December 2019
As this young woman's mother, I struggle with the deep maternal need to fix her with my loving concern, ability to listen to her, nurture her, and be present for her when she needs to talk.  Oh, this all sounds so easy, right?  In reality, my daughter wants none of this.... absolutely none of it...from me.  These things do not help her, not now at least.  She goes through therapist after therapist, psychiatrist after psychiatrist over the past five years, there have been a handful that have, in her words, done nothing for her.

From her own words she describes to a potential new therapist how she has suffered over these years. 
Good morning, my name is _____.
I have been struggling for several years now with depression and some OCD symptoms. I have seen counselors here and there in the past, none of which I felt helped me very much. Recently things have taken a turn for the worse for me, mentally and emotionally, and I know that I can't do it alone anymore and I need to get myself help. I have been looking into different providers and your profile stood out to me. I wanted to reach out to you to get more information about your practice and treatments. Thank you and I hope to hear from you soon.
September 2024

The Girl in the War still struggles, but she has done a good deal of growing up.  She's a mother, a wife, and expecting another sweet soul in March 2025.  She calls me just to talk saying, "I called you because sometimes I want to talk to just you without Anthony messing with the phone."  She's a banker, and a smart one too.  She's a 2 meds to help her with her depression and emotions and tells me she feels better on these meds.  There have been many different combinations through the years.

This picture is the very moment she met her son, I was her labor partner as she was a single mom, and below is this gift that helped to keep her planted on this earth.  She has a purpose now and the whole family is thrilled with this little guy.

We all are in a war at one point or another, I know I have been in one for most of my years.  Count our blessings and know that we are never alone as our guardian angel is always with us and our Lord is looking out for us as long as we know he is our God.

I count my blessings in my daughter, grandson, and her new little family and know in my heart that Jesus has a purpose for her, and she will find it.


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