She said, "Yes"
OK, you need more than that. As a mother myself, my 3 children are extremely important to me and when one is sick, I am at their side immediately with whatever is needed to ease their pain and discomfort. Throughout Mary's adult life, she was the mother of God, Theotokos, she took care of Him, eased His pain, hugged away His tears, and sang Him to sleep at night when He was a child. As He grew, she was our Lord's first disciple and witness to His life. She was the first to believe in Him and know Him for who He really was and in all these things, she kept it all her heart and followed dutifully God's will for her as Jesus' mother.
God gave Himself to her willingly, He chose her, prepared her, anointed her, setting her apart from any other human creature in creation....for the sole purpose of being the Mother of God; and she said YES. Today when a girl gets pregnant out of wedlock nobody raises an eyebrow, we are so desensitized to immorality, but back then she would have been stoned to death most likely. But God took care of her with that too, by sending an angel to Joseph and getting him to continue in the plans of marrying her and co-parenting her child.
Well, if God gave Himself to her for the purpose of salvation, why wouldn't we? She is the mother of all creation, and she is our mother too. She will bring us what we need, nurture us as we go through life, and love us unconditionally as we carry on in our daily lives. We need to acknowledge her as our mother and grow closer to her, for growing closer to her, we will grow closer to Her son, Jesus Christ!
Come, Holy Spirit living in Mary,
Help me to give myself entirely to Jesus through Mary!
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