Good Friday always has me gripped in awe of this fact that Jesus gave himself up for us as an innocent sacrifice for the world far into the future....knowing that I would be here some time in the future and being saved by the same single act of self sacrifice at the hands of those who, represent me. I hate that fact and usually don't participate in the passion part of the crowd, can't even think that I would be yelling to kill an innocent man in exchange for a known criminal named Barabas.
Holy Saturday is a bright and cheery day for the most part, Easter Sunday preparations begin and the windows are open and usually the sun is shining through the house. The Easter Vigil is amazingly holy, especially when there are new Catholics to celebrate with new and found faith in Jesus' bride.
Easter Sunday is a wonderfully splendid celebration day for my family. Calls from everyone far away come in and go out, food, candy, chocolate and smiles all around. My heart is lighter than air with the knowledge and faith in God and Jesus' love and resurrection. We have hope! We have joy!! We are loved!
From my family to yours and all the world, Happy Blessed Easter to you! Alleluia, alleluia, He has risen!!
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