My friend +JMJ+ from Totus Tuus shares a great post on wearing veils. Also, Nick from PhatCatholic posted on this. I really want to wear one, even made one with a pattern from another homeschool mom, it's beautiful. My 13 year old daughter wants to wear a veil, but our parish isn't open to it and I don't want to draw attention to myself. What to do!
I wrote a post on this topic, if you're interested:
Pax Christ,
Thanks for linking to me.
God promises to reward you 100 fold every time you step out in love for Him. He was mocked and scourged, it will never be that painful of a cross for us to carry and it may entice someone else to greater reverence.
We veil what is sacred, like the tabernacle. The church has placed quite a compliment on women to have us veiled all those thousand years plus. Mary always comes veiled and she is our model.
God bless.
"We veil what is sacred, like the tabernacle. The church has placed quite a compliment on women to have us veiled all those thousand years plus. Mary always comes veiled and she is our model."
Beautifully expressed!
I've written about this, too.
A little beret can always be worn if a veil makes you feel funny.
God and Our Lady bless you and guide you!
I, too, have wanted to wear a veil, but no one does at our parish, either. One woman did, and tended to be such a distraction (kneeling in the wrong places, etc.) that I decided I didn't want to be distracting to others by wearing one.
I'm still drawn to it, though, and have contemplated it. Only problem is that I only see them for close to $40 when I search online for one, and that is a bit pricey for me.
I know I am going to do it - it may be easier for me being connected to the military where many folks come from N.O. and the Latin and everything else inbetween . . . everything looks weird in the military chapel, because most just don't know or bother to learn. Sometimes I literally ask myself when going to Mass, "Okay, where's MY cross?" It's just being open to carrying one. I'll keep you in my prayers.
I concentrated better if I have a veil on. It sort of kills you peripheral vision.
That being said, I don't where one to the NO Mass we have to attend. It would take a lot more than a veil to help me concentrate at a NO Mass. Sunday Mass has become torture....
Oh yes - check ebay for veils...
Hello again, hope you don't mind me referring to a couple of posts here where I covered this subject. I'll pray for courage for you,
God Bless, and a Happy New Year!
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