Elizabeth was born to the king of Hungary in 1207. She married Louis the ruler of Thuringia when she was very young. Elizabeth was a beautiful bride who dearly loved her husband. Louis returned her love with all his heart. God sent them three children and they where happy for six years. Then Elizabeth’s sorrows began. Her husband died and Elizabeth was so sad that she cried out “My world is dead, there is nothing left to live for.” Louis’ relatives had hated her for giving so much of her wealth to the poor. But there had been nothing for them to do when Louis was alive. Now they threw her out of the castle and she lived with her three children outside in the cold for a few years. Then her relatives found her and brought her into their homes and insisted that she get married. But Elizabeth wanted to give herself to God like St. Francis of Assisi in the Franciscan order. So she lived the last few years of her life in a small cabin giving to the poor. She died when she was 24 and was made a saint in 1235. She is the patroness of the Franciscans
This report is a requirement for Rebecca's religious studies.
rebecca, i always enjoy your reports!
Yes we celebrated her feast at Mass today..amazing woman..i might use your post if that's OK?
Thanks for the comments. I would really love it if you used my post on your blog.I really like doing St.reports on my moms blog.
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