Richard was a Welshman who lived in the sixteenth century. He was an Anglican and went to Oxford University and St. Johns College. After he graduated, he returned to Wales. He married, had six children, and became a Catholic. But at that time, Queen Elizabeth I of England, said that the Anglican faith was the only religion under her reign. All the Catholics were put in prison and there they were tortured and killed. Richard escaped from prison once, but was caught again. The people said to him, “You will be freed if you give up your faith.” Richard refused strongly. Once they forced him to go to the Anglican Church. He clanked his chains loudly all through the sermon. They punished him severely. As Richard was being martyred he cried out, “Holy God what is this?” an official said mockingly, “An execution of her majesty the queen.” “Jesus have mercy on me!” said Richard. When Richard was in prison, he wrote many religious poems that are still around today. Pope Paul the VI canonized Richard in 1970.
This report is a requirement in her religious studies.
I love reading about the saints during this period of time in England. I was unaware of this particular saint until today. Mahalo!
I'm a Welsh Roman Catholic. My confirmation name is Richard, after Saint Richard Gwyn. His relic is in Wrexham cathedral of Our Lady Of Sorrows. In Welsh - Caderladain Santes Fair (Cathedral of Saint Mary).
I wish I could find items related to this saint to buy. They are hard to find.
I wish I could find items related to this saint to buy. They are hard to find.
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