Maria was born in 1890 on a poor farm in Italy. When she was 10, her father died of malaria. At twelve years of age, she helped her mother on the farm with the care of her siblings. She never complained about being poor, but cheered and comforted her mother. Maria attended daily Mass even though it meant a two hour walk. One of the workers, Alexandro tried many times to make her sin against purity, but she refused him. On July 5, 1902, he tried again and attached her because she would not sin. He stabbed her 14 times in the heart, but Maria didn't die for 24 hours. When Maria died, she was holding a medal to Mary and kissing a crucifix.
Alexandro was sent to prison for her murder. For ten years, he would not repent of his sin. Then one night, he had a dream of Maria giving him flowers. From that moment on, he was a changed man. Alexandro was released from prison 20 years later and went to ask forgiveness from Maria's mother. She gave him her forgiveness.
On July 25, 1925, Maria Goretti was declared a saint by Pope Pius the XII.
This is a saint report assignment required for Rebecca's religious studies.
Very nice report!!
Lovely report & wonderful saint!
i really like saint maria goretti. she was a valiant martyr!
Thank you very much for your kind words. I have been studying saints for a while and now I'm getting to learn to blog at the same time.
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