OK, not really, but cable TV got way too expensive and scary as my bill would continue to get bigger and my salary never caught up, until on day I had to tell my little "boy blue" that his TV time had to be cut down - cable was canceled.
Recently, since I began blogging, I have met some wonderful fellow Catholics, among them is Karen Hall. I like the way Karen thinks and wish we had more of her kind in the media/television/movie writing business. I try to read her blog as often as I can....she types much faster than I can catch up on some days. Anyway, her series that I have posted would air this fall, has more work to be done and isn't going to be on TV any time in the near future, HOWEVER, that doesn't mean we parents waiting for good, quality, morally sound viewing can't begin to pray for Karen and her project to come to fruition soon!
Thanks for the correction, Karen. You know we are just chomping for better TV to watch!
I also cancelled cable. I did so a few years ago. It was around the time I gave up TV for Lent -- a great experience!
You think that will happen? I hope so! Can you imagine a time such as that again on tv? Hmmmm....
i'd like to get EWTN though..
We also cancelled cable. There is just WAY too much junk on television, and much of the "children's programming" is really indoctrination programming into the moral relativism worldview. If there were good programs on television amd I could pick my own package, I might turn it back on. I would like to have EWTN and some of the science an history channels. Most of the rest of it I can do without.
There is soooo much junk on TV it's unbelievable! Good for you cancelling cable. It's very very rare that I watch TV. There's so many other things to be doing! (Although the computer time needs to be seriously cut back on now!)
And I do highly recommend that book if you are desiring to form a deeper relationship with our Blessed Mother. And anything written by Saint Maximilian Kolbe and/or Saint Louis de Montfort. Both EXCELLENT Marian Saints!
We ain't got no cable...sorry, I saw those cows on this blog and got all excited. Who needs cable when ya got cows!LOL'
And amen to de Montfort and Kolbe.
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