Sunday, March 25, 2007

It's all about the Garden!

Spring is in the Air! Wow, a novel thought. My two daughters are out with their daddy planting their garden again. This year, they have decided to go along with my suggestion of making it a wee bit bigger and creating pathways in the center so that by the end of the season, the garden has still that garden look and not the place of deathstalks and wayward vines in one big heap.

It is so wonderful to see all three of them back there digging, planting, and scheming away on the next season's harvest. Right now, they are watering and straightening out their rows, discussing who's part is whose, and the weeding schedule. Ha! And I'm not out there getting put on the schedule!

The one beautiful thing about this gardening stuff is, that I don't have to do it, however, I do get to go pick things and cook things from the garden. That's a fair arrangement for me.


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