Tuesday, May 8, 2012

A small speck of dust?

The Catholic internet is buzzing with so much activity that I get overwhelmed with information.  Feeling overloaded, recently I seem to have arrived to a point of feeling under qualified to write.  I have so much to say, so much to teach, so much to talk about how things seem to be; but it's like I'm  a small speck of dust in a huge range of talented, lucky, and just plain determined Catholics that have reached farther and deeper than I.

A couple of years ago, I attended the Catholic Media Network/Catholic Writer's Guild conference in Philly and had a blast.  There were periods of time when I felt that I had not reached far enough, but that I was on my way.  I published an article a few years ago with Canticle Magazine and then fell off the face of the earth.  Success seems to intimidate me for some reason.  Maybe that's it, maybe it's those one-hit wonders that I often can relate to that have me captivated and understanding.

No, there is a thing called decisions and free will and for heaven's sake, pure gut determination to success against self negation that I need to grasp.

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