Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Newly Revised Roman Missal: for all, or for many......

Recently, I went back to work part-time at a fabric store as the Education Coordinator in charge of the classes, schedules, teaching the sewing and quilting classes, and various other educational needs of the store. The other day, while talking with a couple of ladies about the seasonal fabrics at the store and especially the Christmas fabrics, one lady spoke up proudly that she doesn't and has never celebrated Christmas, nor Easter for that matter.  I thought about the upcoming changes to the Roman Missal and the part where the Latin translation for the word all is many.  So during the "Institution Narrative" which are the words of Christ during the Last Supper, starting on November 27th, the priest will say "which will be poured out for you and for many" replacing the old translation of, "It will be shed for you and for all..."

What this is really saying is what I just witnessed in the above conversation, many will believe and accept Christ's sacrifice, but there are those who will not and have made that choice freely and with thought.  There is no changing this lady's mind about Christmas, Easter, and Christ for that matter, so there will be no chance that Christ's pouring out His blood during His passion for the sins of the world will affect this woman's life.  That "free will" factor plays here and God wants us to make our own choices.

This statement does not say that Christ does not love those beyond the "many" at all, He takes all who come to Him as children of God, but we must knock on the door and seek Him.  Those who chose not to knock, seeking God through Him have made their choice.  We can try and try we may, but there are those who will not accept this gift of salvation and being realistic, there isn't any word, book, or person that can change their minds, much less their hearts.  We must continue to pray for these souls.


Barbara Schoeneberger said...

ebeth, this is so true! God does not force Himself on anyone, but He does give everyone the grace to find Him. I don't understand people who don't even want to look, or who reject what is right in front of them. It makes me wonder about the consciences of these people and pity their deep loneliness that only God can satisfy.

Deanna said...

Interesting. The other day at morning Mass the priest said "for many" not "for all" and I thought, well, Christ came for all, but not all respond, so it really is many.