Sunday, July 19, 2009


Fr. Edward had a great homily today concerning the Word and the relationship with the year of the Priest. Basically, he calls for us to continue to pray for them all through the week and not just on Sunday morning at a Mass. "You may think we priests have it easy, an easy into Heaven, but that couldn't be more further from the truth. We will be judged more harshly then you perhaps in how we ministered to you." I never thought about that before, as he said, I thought that both priests and their mothers had a fasttrack to Heaven when their time came.

Perhaps to go further, we must pray for the families of young boys, that they have the courage and wisdom to show their support of the religious life. Encouraging their boys to listen and heed God's calling. To be open as a family to this way of life should be the way of all families or we will continue to have a shortage of priests. That's where the priesthood begins.


Deanna said...

We must pray for our priests and for vocations, as often as possible. I am planning a prayer campaign for our parish priests for September. I'll post details on my blog when it is all sorted out.

Unknown said...

Here's a neat blog post that bridges the year of Paul to the year of the priest: