Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Fear and the Holy Spirit

This is the last week of the Easter season, we are waiting for Pentecost this Sunday for the Holy Spirit to come upon us as He did the Apostles and the two Marys. We desire the gift Jesus spoke about for our own lives, our ministry.  We, as they, go out and become fishers of men everyday. Presently, it seems that as they did, we are forging through all the political, social customs,and  journeying far distances with a mission to spread the word of Jesus and His salvation.
Were they scared?  I don't know, but what I do know is that they trusted in God and had faith, they saw Jesus, they talked with Him.  We do not have the same relationship with Jesus that they did, but still we are asked to follow Him as they did. 

This week, I am doing what my priest suggested that the parish do by praying during these nine days between the Accension and Pentecost a novena to the Holy Spirit.  He said the prayer didn't have to be any one in particular, so I found about 5 or 6 in my little prayer book and have been praying them together at night.  Basically, I am needing guidance and the wisdom to know when this guidance is given.

Also, think I need to re-read "A Mother's Rule" to get more organized.  End of the year activities and my Avon business are been keeping me hopping and feeling like I am not getting anything done.

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