I hope you all are having a great summer, the last of the weeks upon us with the purchases of new pencils, notebooks, book bags, books, and uniforms (at least here in our county all public schools and private schools are wearing uniforms, except for here at St. Ann's Academy homeschool - shorts/t-shirts and flip flops under the kitchen table is pretty commonplace.
This summer, I celebrated my birthday in style as my knight-in-shining armour treated me and the girls to a camping trip to the Blue Ridge Mountains at a 2-day tour of the Biltmore House. Evangelization suggests that God speaks to us through nature, I believe He had a megaphone in the scenery during the 3-mile drive up to the house; it is breathtaking. Anticipating the Carnival this week, I took pictures of the drive the second day to share the beauty of God's power. As with every Catholic carnival, I've felt the powerful fellowship of kindred Catholic bloggers, their faith and love for Jesus and His bride, so along the road to the Biltmore we go into the next carnival with eyes wide open, hearts open, and our loving Father speaking to us at every bend of the road.
The Whited Sepulchre presents The Whited Sepulchre: Codex Sinaiticus And A Call For An Expanded Canon posted at The Whited Sepulchre. Allen brings to the table lots of great links, references, and points that prove the contents of the Bible as we know it in the Catholic world is as it should be...with a bit more order and books. Thanks, Allen!
Joe is so on the mark on this! In his submission this week, "How to make people angry" he talks, with the help of GK Chesterton, about what Christians are called to do.....Love!
Cathy posts a sweet piece which is a perfect example of what Joe talks about in her postadopt an atheist today! posted at from the field of blue children. I thought, how cool, how smart, how really thoughtful of Cathy to give such an offering to someone who can't really return the favor!! I love it, Thanks, Cathy!!
Tim A. Troutman presents What is the Catholic Faith Like? posted at Army of Martyrs. To sum up this post, being a Catholic and living the Catholic way is following a narrow path, but it sure beats living on the highway of the hundreds of thousands of denominations that have no direction. Thanks, Tim!
Heidi Hess Saxton presents Should I Try IVF or Surrogacy? posted at Extraordinary Moms Network. Women who are longing to become mothers often find themselves caught up in a heart-breaking quest, willing to go to any lengths just to "achieve" pregnancy. In this article, Heidi Saxton explains why the Church in her wisdom has made off-limits certain types of assisted reproductive technologies -- for the good of families and society alike.
Denise Hunnell shares a very good position in her post, Lex Orandi in Louisville posted at Catholic Matriarch in my Domestic Church aka Catholic Mom. The Eucharist is the source and summit of our faith and the Mass should be treated as such that we know and respect the Eucharist for this. Thanks, Denise!
Brian and Jason over at Christuvincit blog comment on the newly revised translation of the Ordinary of the Mass by the American Bishops. Here's Brian's take, and here's Jason's.
I looked at the 45 page document and didn't see much that was different....what gives?
Jane Marcoux presents Building the Ark posted at Building the Ark. Jane's so right, as Christians, we can have some relief from our crosses as we are reminded of the brave saints who have gone before us. God picks the strong ones for us to be strengthened by. Thanks Jane!
St. Max Kolbe is a true intercessor for Jean in her share this week, "St. Max, Mary, the Pro-life movement and me" What a beautiful conversion of sorts story, you'll have to read it! Thanks for inspiring me (once again!!) Jean!
Sarah, from "Snoring Scholar" reviews her August life with a yawn and a prayer in her post, The armpit of August. As a fellow mom, I have learned and read that a prayer life in motherhood can be a constant conversation with our Lord and His mother! Sarah has realized that all those little arrows she sends up throughout the day are beginning to pay off! We could all use a little prayer life rejuvenation! Prayers to you, Sarah!
Hilary, from "Long Skirts Poetry' blog shares with us her poetry, this one about the Assumption of Mary this past week. Check it out, it is a very pretty one and as Hilary puts it: We are all in His "Beate"/"Blessings" of each season and each season He blesses us with a cornucopia of fruits of the earth and fruits of Holy Mother's Church's Feast Days!
Seth's share this week is about the Feast of the Asumption in his post, "Into the Granary of Heaven". Thanks, Seth!
Janie, at Ask Sister Mary Martha, reflects on the Olympics and takes the bronze for patience in her post, .Life is Tough, Nuns are tougher" which I found quite entertaining...as usual. She always has a good point in all the nonsenses of life! Go for Gold, Sister!
Now you knew we couldn't get through a carnival without at least one political note, so Lee from View from the Choir blog shares his thoughts in his post,
Barack Obama, It's people" which he comments on one of Barack Obama's "reasons" for allowing embryonic stem cell research reminded this blogger of a Charlton Heston movie that provided "food" for thought. Ewww! Thanks for the share, Lee.
To say farewell for this week's carnival, I'll let Evann share her family's experience when they have to say goodbye to a beloved Archbishop in her post, Farewell, Archbishop Burke.
Thanks for this awesome carnival, Ebeth! I am continually in awe of you folks who take the time to put these together. I, for one, really appreciate your hard work. I know you have quite a busy "real" life in addition to your online one -- thanks for doing this for the Catholic blogging community!
fabulous post!
Simply lovely, Ebeth! I'm just getting my link up now. Thanks for hosting!
God Bless,
Thanks for hosting again!
Fabulous job, Ebeth! Thanks for hosting again.
God bless you!
Thanks for hosting... one of these days I'll get my act together enough to post to a Catholic Carnival.
By the way, I posted this on PickAFig.com the Catholic "Digg" site - be sure to vote for it there to promote the carnival to even more readers and bloggers!
Great job hosting, as always Ebeth. :)
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