Friday, April 18, 2008

A Saint Report: St. Ludgar....... by Rebecca

ST. LUDGAR was born in Northern Europe in the eighteenth century. He studied hard for years to become a priest. When he finally he became a priest he wanted to share what he knew with everyone that he met. He started to travel far and wide preaching and sharing the good news of God. He converted many pagans to the Catholic faith. Then some barbarians called Saxons; they drove out all the priests from north Europe. It seemed like all his work would be lost, but he didn’t give up on his vocation or God. He decided to go to Rome and ask the Holy father what he was supposed to do. For more than three year he lived in the Benedictine Monastery as a holy Monk. He was never forgot about his home. At the first chance he got he went home to his country. He labored hard and converted many of the Saxons to the faith. When he was made a bishop he worked even harder to spread the faith. Ludgar gave an even better example by his great kindness and piety. Once some men spoke him against him to the King Charlemagne. The king ordered him to come to court and defend himself. Ludgar went obediently to the castle. The next morning when the king called for him he said that he would come when he was done with his prayers. King Charlemagne was angry at first. Then St. Ludgar said that even though he had great respect for the king that God always came first. At such a wise answer, the king realized that Ludgar was a very holy man. From then on the admired and loved Ludgar very much. St. Ludgar died on Passion Sunday in 809.

This report is a requirement for Rebecca's religious studies.

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