However, may I send one to you all. Marriage is the source and summit of our society, from whence all goodness or badness comes. St. Valentine desired those who wished to marry be allowed to; and it is my desire and prayers that those who are married be and stay married. May we all find in our society the nucleus that holds us together and makes us who we are, a strong and revived thing, in deed!
Love and prayers,
"From your Valentine"
To start things out, Nicholas from PhatCatholic, has a gem of a post with all the resources you would need to make this Lenten season the best yet! "Resources for Lent 2008" will prove to have what you need! Thanks as always, Nick!
Jean has some great ideas for our little dear ones during Lent in her post called,"Ideas for Children for Lent 2008." As I told Jean, now if only I could get my youngest to be more cheerful when helping her sister with her chores.
Denise Hunnell presents The Grace of the Desert posted at Catholic Matriarch in my Domestic Church aka Catholic Mom. Sometimes we need to let go of the to-do list and find a little peace in the "desert." Thanks, Denise!
Kevin Miller shares his thoughts in a post called, "Lead us into temptation" from his blog "Exceptional Marriages". Thanks, Kevin.
Mary, at Mary Deturris Poust, shares her thoughts about the Ashes in the post called, "What 's with the Ashes". Thanks, Mary!
Sarah, over at Snoring Scholar, shares with us a great post called "Giving up, giving in and giving back" I read this earlier and just loved it! THanks Sarah!
Another Lenten share from E.L.Core called, "Newman for Lent" from his blog called, The view from the Core. Thanks for the resources and links on Lent.
Christine, from the Ramblings of a GOP Soccer Mom, reveals what we all should already know, that Lent doesn't have to be a dark and dreary time of the year in her post called, "Walking in the Garden of Lent." Great insight, Christine!
Jamie MacIntire has a great idea for an organic Lenten season. With all the Global Warming concerns flying around, it would behoove us to think green during Lent as a new way of life. Here in Jamie's post called, "Go Organic for Lent" she shares some good ideas to begin with. Thanks, Jamie.
There are always tough questions that we Catholics both need to understand and have a clear answer for. I really like Doug's approach on this sometimes difficult fact, Purgatory. Here, Doug is talking to our youth in his post "How I explain Purgatory to Teenagers." Great explanation, I will be using this with my own soon-to-be teenager!
Tausign presents Some Things ARE What They ARE NOT posted at Perfect Joy. A great Lenten reflection might be to consider what actions and behaviors we feel are justified and useful in confronting evil.
James DeLelys presents New Book/Video posted at Author James DeLelys.
Leticia shares with us the search for a greater place of learning in her post, "Academy of the Holy Family". Sounds like a great place for any Catholic family to send their children!
Rob Moshe shares how good it feels to help others in his post, "Live your best life by serving others.". Thanks for the share, Rob.
On a grim note, but not without power, Jason's blog called "Executed Today" reveals a side of our world most of us would rather not know about. But as Catholics, martyrology is a worthy study in itself. In his The 26 Martyrs of Japan, Jason shows us the bravery and conviction of those believers with a stronger force of belief than many of us, especially the 12 year old alter server.
On an equally grim note, Melissa shares with us her experience at a "40 days for Life campaign" one Saturday. Personally, I don't think pro-choice folks know about this aspect of their stand. Thanks, Melissa! New martyrs are made every day, may God bless these babies' souls and their mothers, too.
Laura described beautifully what the "40 Days of Life Campaign" is trying to protect in her post called, Children & Chocolate and Other Paths to God. Please read this, it will make you just wanna hug the next person that crosses your path! Thanks, Laura!
Kate Wicker shares Christ's Journey to the Cross: Inspiration for Mothers which leads me to the next submission.....
Jane shares her post called, "Crazy little thing called Trust" which should make us advice givers something to chew on....our own words! Thanks, Jane!
This next post is great! Sean, A Catholic Canadian, for sharing his post,"Forty days of Reflection and Catholic Media." I absolutely LOVE "That Catholic Show" and the Rosary Army group, so we should all look forward to Sean's blog in the days to come! Thanks, Sean!!
Next, Lyn Francisco who shares Some Lenten Thoughts posted at Organ-ic Chemist.
Brian, at Christus Vincit shares along with Lyn above that Lent is Sooooo different. Great ideas!
Heidi Saxton shares an exerpt from her upcoming book Lenten Progress posted at Mommy Monsters Inc.. Thanks, Heidi. Great and I can't wait to read the book!
Marcel LeJeune shares from Mary's Aggies, his thoughts about our relationship with God in his post called: Captivated and convinced. Makes one think, doesn't it!?
Redneck Woman has a great post called Statues, Closets, and the Council of Carthage on which she defends our beautiful Catholic faithful worship. Great post from the Postscripts from the Catholic Spitfire Grill
Having your parish priest over for dinner? Alexa has a great menu for you as well as a pleasant experience with her pastor's visit in her post called, Priestly Issues. I have yet to invite a priest over to our home....too scared!
Something that is a very serious problem in America today is what cehwiedel presents in her post called, Catechists and Apologists posted at Kicking Over My Traces. Each confirmed adult Catholic should be committed to personal catechesis, always growing in knowledge and understanding of his or her faith. Pope Benedict this past week called attention to the importance of catechesis and the belief of catechists in the faith they teach.
At Adam's Ale, "The Ins and Outs of Catholic Life" is a great slice of what's working and what needs to be phased out and possibly what needs to be revamped? Personally, I would like to see less cherrios and more children's Mass books and well behaved children.
You has submitted a prayer to close the carnival with. Thanks and God bless everyone!
Here is a simple prayer to start each day during Lent. As with all prayer, liturgy, worship, and spiritual reading, it is to draw us deeper into relationship with God, our Father.
Father, I call upon You to be with me.
I invite You into my heart,
into my life,
into everything I am and do.
I know that You are here already,
but I want to be aware of You,
to listen to You, to be with You.
Help me to be open to You now
and throughout this day.
May Your love, peace, and energy
touch my heart in faith and hope.
~From Br. Joseph
Happy anniversary!
Beats Friday the 13th?
Happy anniversary! Valentine's Day is exactly 6 months before my own 15th anniversary. :)
Thank you for hosting the carnival, Ebeth. I had a few extra hits at my blog today because of it - and even an extra comment!
God bless,
Wow what a full carnival. Great job again Ebeth.
Blessings upon you and your DH with your anniversary and Valentines day. May it be a wonderful day for you both. Blessings, Carol
And Happy Anniversary too!
Thanks for hosting, Ebeth! And God's many blessings on your anniversary. Our 15th is this May!
God Bless,
Hi! Great carnival. Thanks for hosting and Happy Anniversary!
"Children & Chocolate and Other Paths to God"
FABULOUS JOB, as always! :)
I wish I had paid attention...I always miss this carnival. I had something I could have submitted for St. Valentine's Day. Happy Anniversary. :)
Well done.
Thank you to all!
ExecutedToday, you have a gift! and I am learning to embrace it....not easy, I must admit! :)
Alexa, truly your gift of creating eye-candy blogs is appreciated!
Christine, patjrsmom, 15 years of marital bliss! Congrats to you guys, too!
Sarah, Laura, anawtymouser, Fr. V and Steven, it was a truly labor of love this carnival. Thanks for appreciating!
Alexandra, I look forward to your Valentine post...whereever you post it! Thanks for stopping by.
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