First, let's everyone bow their heads and thank God for the many blessings He has bestowed up us, especially for Sarah, our very own Snoring Scholar, and her share this week. How awesome it is when we can look back and realize as Sarah has of God's providence in our lives!
Jay, from "Living Catholicism" is going to help us keep our prayers fresh and meaningful on a daily, no, wait, a moment by moment basis in his post, "Keeping Rote Prayer Meaningful." How many times have your families gathered around the beds of the little ones and felt like we need to jazz these prayer times up a notch? I know I have, so especially true is that we need to be thinking about the words we say as we say them. Jay, you're the best!
Soccer Mom has this to share about giving yourself a "But..." check.
If you start off with "I know I'm not supposed to [fill in the blank] " and then proceed with "...but..." then you really do know what you are to do. It would be morally right to not do the thing before that But.Hmmm, good thinking and definitely a rule to follow.
Matthew, from "Play the Dad, no be the Dad" gives us four biblical points on Purgatory in his post, "A little Apologetics about Purgatory." In other words, Yes Virginia, there IS a purgatory! Thanks for the lesson, Matthew. Like your blog, by the way!
Kevin Miller from Exceptional Marriages, has a great post on "Love and Humility". Last Sunday's readings were very inspiring and matching that up with JPII's "Gospel of Life" document and all I can say is .....Wow. Thanks for teaching, sharing and caring, Kevin
RNW, over at Catholic Spitfire has some wondrous news and shares it with us in her post, "Channels of Grace" YES!! in deed! I love this post, we are changed in the service of our God....if we only have faith and allow Him to work within us.
Melissa shares with us how she has been able to do "Less worry, more prayer" in her daily challenges from her blog called, "A Third Way." How many times can we all say we worry just alittle too much and forget that prayer and trust in the Lord is what is truly needed. Thanks, Melissa!
Fr. Keyes has a great post on music!! Now you are in for a treat! In his post, "Lectionary Psalms" he shows us his creative side that is usually left up to the music ministers to do! Thanks, Father!
Speaking of Fathers...this next one has my bishop on it!! This is way cool, our bishop, Michael Burbidge, from Baltimore, MA, now Raleigh, NC does a weekly reflection for the diocese on a podcast. This one is about "When a church gets dedicated" and Domini picked up on it and wants to share it with all of you. Thanks to modern technology, you all can check out Bishop Burbidge's reflections anytime you want!
A thinker called ihermit submitted a writing concerning "Holy Work" from the blog called, "You, a prayerful conversation". There is a subtle but important difference between "working for God" and "doing God's work". Although this reflection is written with teachers in mind, as with good spirituality, it applies to everyone.
Barb, from her blog, SFO Mom, shares with us her take on the gospel reading for Sunday, Sept 3rd in her post, "Banquets and Humility." As my family sat in Mass listening to the Gospel, I whispered to my 10 year old daughter, "Wow, that's just how things work nowadays." She shushed me. Barb, you definitely have a point. Now, how can we change how most folks do kids' birthday parties and bridal showers?
Fred has a beautiful reflection on a portrait of St. John the Baptist in his post, "John said, He must increase, and I must decrease." from his blog, "Deep Furrows." I especially liked Fred's insight on John's eyes and skin. Nicely done!
Christine talks about a film about professional athletes that profess their Catholic faith in her post called, "Catholic Faith has a champion in the media" from her blog called "The World IMHO." Thanks for the share, Christine. Now if only I could figure out how my husband could get paid as much as some of these athletes! Hmmmm....
Lastly, but very NOT least is the current topic of interest. Daniel, over at "Deo Omnis Gloria" has a point about this new controversy about Mother Teresa's "Dark Night of the Soul" experience in his post, "Did Mother Teresa Lose her Faith Before Dying?"....We think not! I like the way Daniel thinks!
May the Grace of Christ be with you all and I hope you enjoyed the Catholic Carnival!
Great job! Thanks!
Fabulous hosting, as always, Ebeth! :)
Great job! Thanks for hosting this week.
Great job, thanks for hosting. Fantastic!
Thanks for hosting!
Very nice carnival Ebeth, thanks so much. I like the last photo - that's a great one of Mother Teresa! +JMJ+ John
You've done a great job of hosting Ebeth! I'm posting this on my blog right now.
Great job Ebeth!
what a fabulous post!
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