Wednesday, January 21, 2009

In honor of the March today in DC

God bless each and every person traveling to DC to walk for all the pre-born, born, and to be born into eternal life. Keep them all safe and strong. Let the new president see them and hear their cries for justice, conversion, and repentance. I wanted to be among you today, but alas I couldn't.

Prayer and peace!


Kim ("Kitterly") Fasser said...

I love your site & would like to pass on an award to you for your hard work!
You can claim the award by going to my site (( )) for more information!
God bless!

Anonymous said...

Well now, this is YOUR lucky day, Ebeth! I gave you an award as well...over at my blog.

I would also like to fix the picture of Mary in your left sidebar and get it centered for you...and fix two links to me that are old...if you would remind me of your username and password again by email - I'll be in and out in a split second.

God bless,

Ebeth said...

Thanks, Alexa....I'll get right to emailing you!
