Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Writing Assignment: The Next Twenty years

At Mommy Monsters, Heidi followed up on a writing challenge at Michelle's blog called Scribbet Motherhood in Alaska. What a challenge it is!

The Topic: "The Next Twenty Years"

Actually, I haven't really thought about it much, but it's a good idea, so that the lessons and activities we do today could be designed and in gear to what we want in the future. Especially as parents of the next generation.

What I desire most, is that when it is all said and done for me here on earth, that my legacy would be how much I loved those put in my path, my parents, husband, and my children, the community and my parish. Have my children responded to these concerns as well from my influence in a similar way?

Looking into the future I hope to see my three children either in a religious life, or well established in a loving marital relationship with children they can't get enough of.....and for that matter, I can't get enough of too!

Twenty years from now, I hope that my husband and I are still kicking and enjoying retirement together. Possibly in one of those cute "Southern Living" cottages in the Smokey Mountains.

My husband recently revealed to me his hidden desire to have a pig farm....."Really?" I asked!! He said, "I've always wanted one, just never really knew what you thought." Hmm, I guess that could work with the cottage in the mountains dream...couldn't it? The grandkids would LOVE to come see us then! SOOOOEEEEEEE!!

During the next twenty years, our family could celebrate most holidays together and celebrate Mass, then a big meal together. That where ever our children are, we can manage to reunite and have wonderful moments and memories.

Death is a sure thing, but as we age, I pray it does not remain a feared thing. It is my desire that as my family grows closer to God and their personal spirituality, death becomes an event to anticipate and prepare for, but not fear.

It's not important to me to have riches in the form of money, but I don't want our children to worry about us and be burdened with our care, so I hope that we can manage to have what we need for our future.

But mostly, I hope that the next twenty years brings our world together in a more peaceful existence. I know that it starts in our own domestic Churches at home, my prayer is that as parents and stewards of this earth, we and our children can learn to be responible to our families and the community around us.


Scribbit said...

Thanks so much for your entry, it's nice to "meet" you!

Marie said...

Just dropping by to wish you a Holy & Sacred Easter:)

Peace & love to you:)

Marie xoxoox